Home » September » Weird Holidays in September

Weird Holidays in September

Here are the weird and crazy holidays for the month of September! These weird holidays occur during the ninth month of the calendar year.

1Wear Teal Day
Emma Nutt Day
No Rhyme or Reason Day
2International Bacon Day
Bison Ten Yell Day
3National Skyscraper Day
4Eat an Extra Dessert Day
5National Be Late for Something Day
Cheese Pizzza Day
6Read a Book Day
Flight Procrastination Day
7National Salami Day
8National Pledge of Allegiance Day
Pardon Day
9National Teddy Bear Day
10Sewing Machine Day
Swap Ideas Day
11National Hot Cross Buns Day
Make Your Bed Day
Hug Your Hound Day
12National Chocolate Milkshake Day
13Fortune Cookie Day
Positive Thinking Day
Roald Dahl Day
14National Coloring Day
15National Linguine Day
Make a Hat Day
16National Guacamole Day
17National Women’s Friendship Day
National Cleanup Day
International Country Music Day
18National Cheeseburger Day
Rice Krispie Treat Day
19International Talk Like a Pirate Day
National Gymnastics Day
20National Gibberish Day
Punch Day
21World Gratitude Day
Miniature Golf Day
22Love Note Day
Hobbit Day
23Great American Pot Pie Day
Checkers Day
24Bluebird of Happiness Day
Punctuation Day
25National Cooking Day
Comic Book Day
26National Pancake Day
Love Note Day
27Crush a Can Day
28National Good Neighbor Day
Ask a Stupid Question Day
29Confucius Day
30International Lace Day
Hot Mulled Cider Day