Weird Holidays in May
Global Love Day (May 1)
Global Love Day on May 1st promotes love, kindness, and unity. Learn about its history, fun ways to celebrate, and how to spread joy worldwide!
Take a Baby to Lunch Day (1st Tuesday in May)
Take a Baby to Lunch Day is a sweet holiday that encourages quality time with infants over a meal. Celebrate bonding and early connections!
Great American Grump Out (1st Wednesday in May)
Observed on the first Wednesday in May, the Great American Grump Out is all about spreading joy. Discover its origins, fun activities, and ways to celebrate!
National Orange Juice Day (May 4)
National Orange Juice Day on May 4th is all about enjoying the bright, zesty taste of fresh OJ! Learn about its history, fun facts, and recipes.
Star Wars Day (May 4)
Star Wars Day on May 4th is a fan-favorite holiday celebrating the legendary sci-fi saga with movies, cosplay, crafts, and themed food!
International Space Day (1st Friday in May)
From rocket crafts to galaxy snacks, celebrate International Space Day with engaging activities, printables, and fun facts for curious young minds.
No Pants Day (1st Friday in May)
Check out the weird holiday No Pants Day on the first Friday in May. Learn the history of No Pants Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
Lemonade Day (1st Sunday in May)
Check out the weird holiday National Lemonade Day on the first Sunday in May. Learn the history of lemonade & get ideas on how to celebrate.
Free Comic Book Day (1st Saturday in May)
Check out the weird holiday Free Comic Book Day on the first Saturday in May. Learn the history of free comic books and get ideas to celebrate!
National Herb Day (1st Saturday in May)
Check out the weird holiday National Herb Day on the 1st Saturday in May. Learn the history of National Herb Day and get ideas to celebrate.
National Have a Coke Day (May 8)
Check out the weird holiday National Have a Coke Day on May 8. Learn about the history of Coca Cola, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Lost Sock Memorial Day (May 9)
Check out the weird holiday National Lost Sock Memorial Day on May 9. Learn the history of this weird holiday & get ideas for celebrating it.
Europe Day (May 5 and 9)
Check out the weird holiday Europe Day on May 5 and May 9. Learn the history of Europe Day and get ideas on how you can celebrate Europe Day.
National Shrimp Day (May 10)
Check out the weird holiday National Shrimp Day on May 10. Learn about the history of National Shrimp Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National School Nurse Day (Wed of Nurse’s Week in May)
Check out the weird holiday in May during Nurse’s Week is National School Nurse Day . Learn about the history of National School Nurse Day.
National Limerick Day (May 12)
May 12th is the weird holiday National Limerick Day. Learn the history of limericks, and get ideas on how to celebrate National Limerick Day.
Brunch for Lunch Day (Saturday before Mother’s Day)
Check out the weird holiday Brunch for Lunch Day on the Saturday before Mother’s Day in the United States.. Learn its history & get brunch recipes!
National Frog Jumping Day (May 13)
Check out the weird holiday National Frog Jumping Day on May 13. Learn the history of National Frog Jumping Day & get ideas on celebrating.
National Dance Like a Chicken Day (May 14)
Check out the weird May 14th holiday National Dance Like a Chicken Day. Learn about the history of the chicken dance & get ideas to celebrate.
National Sunscreen Day (Friday before Memorial Day)
Learn about the weird holiday National Sunscreen Day & it’s history.. Don’t Fry Day is the Friday before Memorial Day in May – get celebration ideas!
National Chocolate Chip Day (May 15)
Check out the weird holiday National Chocolate Chip Day on May 15. Learn about the history of chocolate chips & get ideas on celebrating.
International Day of Families (May 15)
Check out the holiday International Day of Families on May 15. Learn the history of International Day of Families & get ideas to celebrate.
National Love a Tree Day (May 16)
Check out the weird holiday National Love a Tree Day on May 16. Learn about the history of Love a Tree Day & get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Walnut Day (May 17)
Check out the weird holiday National Walnut Day on May 17. Learn about the history of National Walnut Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Pack Rat Day (May 17)
Check out the weird holiday National Pack Rat Day on May 17. Learn about the history of Pack Rat Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
I Love Reese’s Day (May 18)
Check out the weird holiday I Love Reese’s Day on May 18. Learn about the history of I Love Reese’s Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National No Dirty Dishes Day (May 18)
Check out the weird holiday National No Dirty Dishes Day on May 18. Learn the history of National No Dirty Dishes Day & get to celebrate.
National Pizza Party Day (3rd Fri. in May)
Check out the weird holiday National Pizza Party Day on May 19. Learn about the history of pizza parties, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Talk Like Yoda Day (May 21)
Check out the weird holiday National Talk Like Yoda Day on May 21st. Learn about the history and get ideas on how to celebrate.
Sherlock Holmes Day (May 22)
Check out the weird holiday Sherlock Holmes Day on May 22. Learn about the history of Sherlock Holmes Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Buy a Musical Instrument Day (May 22)
Check out the weird holiday National Buy a Musical Instrument Day on May 22. Learn how to celebrate National Buy a Musical Instrument Day!
National Lucky Penny Day (May 23)
Check out the holiday National Lucky Penny Day on May 23. Learn about the history of pennies and their luck, & get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Scavenger Hunt Day (May 24)
Check out the weird holiday National Scavenger Hunt Day on May 24. Learn about the history of scavenger hunts & get ideas on how to celebrate.
International Tiara Day (May 24)
Check out the weird holiday International Tiara Day on May 24. Learn about the history of the tiara, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Sing Out Day (May 25)
Check out the weird holiday National Sing Out Day on May 25. Learn about the history of National Sing Out Day & get ideas on how to celebrate.
Towel Day (May 25)
Check out the weird holiday on May 25 Towel. Learn about the origins of Towel Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate this beloved classic.
National Cherry Dessert Day (May 26)
Check out the weird holiday National Cherry Dessert Day on May 26. Learn about National Cherry Dessert Day & get tons of recipes to try out!
National Hamburger Day (May 28)
Check out the weird holiday National Hamburger Day on May 28. Learn about the history of World Burger Day, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Biscuit Day (May 29)
Check out the weird holiday National Biscuit Day on May 29. Learn the history of biscuits, get biscuit recipes, & ideas on how to celebrate.
National Mint Julep Day (May 30)
Check out the weird holiday National Mint Julep Day on May 30. Learn about the history of Mint Juleps, and get ideas on how to celebrate.
National Macaroon Day (May 31)
Check out the weird holiday National Macaroon Day on May 31. Learn about the history of macaroons, and get ideas on how to celebrate.